What Is the Purpose of Easter?

Best Teeth - What Is the Purpose of Easter?

Good morning. Today, I discovered Best Teeth - What Is the Purpose of Easter?. Which may be very helpful in my experience and also you. What Is the Purpose of Easter?

Many population think of new outfits, coloring Easter eggs and having fun on Easter Sunday. When our children were growing up, that was part of Easter, but it was all the time considered and treated as a cut off event. Easter is about our association with God and how we were made holy adequate to have one.

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The story starts with Adam and Eve. They ate the forbidden fruit and learned that there was a right and a wrong way of doing things. For this, God had to shut them out of Eden and let them make their own way. Oh, He was still with them, but the association changed. Mankind now had a fallen nature, and it has given us grief ever since.

Moses's role is next. He was given the Ten Commandments and the other 600+ laws that man had to obey to be excellent in God's sight. As that was impossible, some of the laws dealt with what man had to do in order for God to forgive his sins.

During the years between the Law and the birth of Christ, man struggled with this. However, God had a plan to bring us back to Him, and it started with a minuscule baby. You might think the Son of the Most High God should have had a best introduction to the world. He was born in a barn with questionable paternity in the eyes of the world.

That was to a purpose. God wanted to contact exactly what we, the average person, went through. He had teething pain and feel down and scraped His knee just like our children do. He had to undergo the Roman occupation and effect the Law of Moses. He had to come to be one of us.

Easter in fact starts on Palm Sunday. That is a bittersweet celebration for the church. We celebrate that the population could in fact see that Jesus was the Messiah. We also feel sadness because we know what will happen next.

In our household, we have a special celebration for Maundy Thursday, the day the church celebrates the first communion. Jesus did this at a sedar, and we do our best to do the same. However, we celebrate it from a Christian perspective, remembering what happened. It prepares our minds and hearts for Easter.

The meaning and purpose of Easter starts at this meal. "On the night on which He was betrayed unto death, He took the bread, blessed it and broke it. He handed it to His disciples and said 'Take and eat, this is my body, broken for you. And again, after the dinner, He took the cup and after He blessed it, He gave it to His disciples, saying 'Take and drink, for this is My blood of the new and everlasting covenant, shed for you."

The bread was unleavened, probably very like the matzo used today. The wine came from the third cup of wine used at a sedar, the cup of blessing. This ritual is still practiced, reminding of what Christ did for us while the next 72 hours.

Friday is the day we remember and mourn His time on the cross. It is traditionally believed that He gave up His spirit at nearby three o'clock in the afternoon.

During this time, from Thursday evening until Friday afternoon, any things happened that fulfilled prophecy. In Isaiah 53:5, we read that He was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities. We also read "by His stripes we are healed."

This is what in fact happened. Jesus was mocked by the Sanhedrin, found guilty of blasphemy and taken before Pontius Pilate. Pilate found no fault in Him, but the crowd cried for Him to be crucified. Pilate publicly washed his hands of the affair, had Jesus scourged and then handed over to be nailed to the cross. It's no wonder He had a hard time carrying His cross, if you haven't seen the movie, let me tell you it's a miracle He was walking at all.

It was usual that the soldiers would break the legs of convicts so that they would die faster. However, when they came to Jesus, He was already dead. So, they stuck a spear in His side and out came water and blood. That's significant, in that it means He had quite a bit of fluid buildup in His lungs.

Jesus was placed into a tomb with a huge stone rolled to close it. The Sanhedrin demanded a Roman guard for it. This was granted, and no one showed up at the tomb until the Sunday morning at dawn. The women went to the tomb to stop establishment the body, and they were discussing how they would move the huge stone. When they got there, the stone had already been rolled away.

They went into the tomb, and two angels were there. They told the women that Jesus had risen from the dead, and would see them soon. Many of Jesus's other followers went to see the empty tomb as well, and all were confused. Who had taken His body?

The sass to that came when He appeared to them. Simon Peter and some of the fishermen He met on the beach, where they all ate breakfast. He met two of them walking down the road from Jerusalem and told them the prophecies that had been fulfilled. They didn't recognize Him until He broke the bread at a meal in their home.

He appeared in the upper room and in many other locations. At one point, at the time of the Ascencion, He was with 500 people. He will return one day and stop the rest of the prophecies. When that happens, we will all see that the "stone that was rejected" has in fact come to be the cornerstone (Psalms 118:22). Then, the Lord will wipe away every tear and He will take off the reproach from His people. (Isaiah 25:8)

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