Job Hunting in the Web 2.0 Jungle - 3 Tips to Ensure Your Success

Best Teeth - Job Hunting in the Web 2.0 Jungle - 3 Tips to Ensure Your Success

Good morning. Today, I learned all about Best Teeth - Job Hunting in the Web 2.0 Jungle - 3 Tips to Ensure Your Success. Which may be very helpful in my opinion and also you. Job Hunting in the Web 2.0 Jungle - 3 Tips to Ensure Your Success

I have discovered that people often palpate overwhelm when considering all of the current web technology and resources available for networking in a web 2.0 world. Overwhelm ordinarily means, "to be overcome in mind." This means that when you are experiencing overwhelm more than likely you are trying to think about way too much at once. Therefore, I strongly urge you to stop, take a deep breath, and give yourself permission to tackle one thing at a time. One way to do this is to break down what you're attempting to understand into more chewable chunks. I am going to do that for you here by outlining your web 2.0 occupation supervision options.

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Best Teeth

First, let's go over some basic job-hunting statistics. Only 15-20 percent of jobs are found through actual job ads, and 60-70 percent of jobs are found through networking. Only 2-3% of resumes unmistakably get to recruiters after they have gone through database filters. When they do, they only get about 15 seconds of a recruiters time. Let me spell this out - Network, Network, Network. I am telling you this so that you are empowered to make informed, efficient choices for your job search.

The great news!? Web 2.0 technology makes networking about as easy as brushing your teeth. You just have to know which toothpaste to use.

Social Networking and occupation Networking sites:

Well-known examples of communal networking sites and occupation networking sites contain, Facebook, LinkedIn. Here is a foreseen, fact. There are over 100 million active users on The United States has a people of 300 million people. If my space were a country and its members were the citizens, it would be roughly one third the size of the United States. This is important.

Many executives find themselves unclear about what to put in a networking profile. This is leading to consider from both a communal networking and a pro networking perspective. recently released a study indicating that at least 20 percent of employers are now searching job candidate's online networking profiles. In some cases this is bad news that can inhibit your chances of getting the job. Therefore, you want to make sure that your communal networking profiles contain owner friendly information. However, the study also found that 24 percent of hiring managers found content on communal networks that helped convince them to hire a candidate.

Online occupation networkers are ordinarily finding to connect with people who share occupation values and aspirations, so make your profile reflect this. Avoid along with too much personal data on you profile. If you are in a small town you may want to avoid providing the actual city you live in and stick with your state. You assuredly want to position yourself as an scholar by having testimonials, pro affiliations, and any publications listed on your pro profiles.

In the web 2.0 jungle the old adage, "It's all about who you know," is no longer true. It is no longer just about who you know. It's also about who they know. Therefore, you it is in your best interest to constantly expand your network. For instance, on the more you expand your tier 1 network (the people to whom you are directly connected) the more connections you have to people in 2nd an 3rd tiers. Also, who you are unmistakably related with could help heighten your profile. If it is clear, for example, that Barack Obama or Steve Jobs are direct contacts there are millions of people that would take serious interest in your profile.

Multimedia can position you as an expert:

Video networking sites like and video potential on sites like allow you to position yourself as an scholar and clearly express your message in a fun, dynamic way. For instance, if you are a trainer or presenter and you had your last presentation filmed, consider creating a YouTube page with some of these video clips. You can also link your the page on your other profiles and on your paper resume. In addition, with the accessibility of industrialized audio technology (, you can unmistakably supply potential audio messages on your profile pages. The operative word in my last sentence was quality. Don't just throw anyone up. As great as these tools are, it is also easy to appear amateur. You may want to consult with man who is an scholar in this area. With the network you've built using web 2.0 technology, finding an scholar will be easy. The lowest line in the technology world in which we now live is that typical, text based websites and profiles are becoming very boring and even obsolete.

Write to position yourself as an expert

Establish a blog. Make your point of view clear. When your message resonates with others there is a good opportunity they will start subscribing to your blog and you will continue to build your network. This is a great way to expand your network, and growth your Seo (Search engine Optimization).

Also, publishing articles online helps to manufacture you as an scholar and makes you accessible to a vast estimate of people. With websites like in a very short duration of time you can issue numerous articles with a profile linking people to you. Each report becomes a sales tool in and of itself and helps to make you highly illustrated as a pro and a candidate.

How does all of this web 2.0 technology serve your job hunt? I see this as two fold. One is that with an great network you have a vast pool to dive into when you are finding for a job. I reiterate, it isn't just about who you know, it's also who the people in your network know. Also, as you become more and more illustrated as an scholar online, it is highly likely that your passive candidate status rises exponentially. This means that people will be seeking you out to offer you your next best opportunity!

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