Chinchilla Pet Supplies - 4 valuable Recommendations

Best Teeth - Chinchilla Pet Supplies - 4 valuable Recommendations

Hi friends. Yesterday, I discovered Best Teeth - Chinchilla Pet Supplies - 4 valuable Recommendations. Which may be very helpful to me and you. Chinchilla Pet Supplies - 4 valuable Recommendations

When you buy a chinchilla you don't just buy a super cute and cuddly pet, you also need to buy supplies. Remember, a chinchilla is an exotic pet and exotic pets need special accommodations to live healthy and happy. Here's a list of the essentials with some recommendations.

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Best Teeth


Chinchillas are very energetic creatures and require a lot of room to move around. A pet chinchilla cage should be colse to 3ft x 3ft x 3ft. Make sure the shelves are not far apart and that all the surfaces are plane (i.e. No wire grating). A solid exterior rehearsal wheel is a must. Never use pine or cedar for bedding as the oils are toxic to chinchillas. Appropriate bedding includes aspen or Carefresh brand bedding. Chinchilla Mansion is possibly the best cage for chinchillas


Chinchillas need a constant furnish of loose Timothy hay and food pellets. Top brands for pellets are Oxbow Tradition and Missouri. You can put these pellets in a ceramic bowl. They'll also need a constant furnish of fresh drinking water, so attach a glass drinking bottle to your pet chinchilla's cage.

Dust Baths

Your pet chinchilla requires constant baths with a special pumice-based dust and an Appropriate holder to put it in. The chinchilla cleans itself by rolling colse to in this dust. Sand is Never a substitute for this dust. A top brand for this dust is Blue Cloud and Blue Sparkle. You should also avoid using a plastic holder for their dust bathing tub.

Chew Toys

Chew toys are great way for your pet chinchilla to play with, but more importantly to keep their teeth from overgrowing. Wooden sticks (never made from conifer or citrus wood), pumice stone and non-plastic chew toys are a great for this. Without chew toys, your chinchilla will go after anything is lying colse to the house and that's not a good thing.

I hope you have new knowledge about Best Teeth. Where you can put to easy use in your everyday life. And above all, your reaction is passed about Best Teeth.

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